
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Eat, Drink and Be Healthy

     For some time now, in an effort to save money and eat more healthfully, my husband and I have changed our "take-out ways" and have been cooking much more at home.  This is timely because our daughter is phasing out baby food and we're being forced to prepare healthy options instead of junk with filler.

     Shortly before I began 'Through Counting to 10' I discovered blogs.  Yes, I knew of there existence, but never paid any attention to them until recently.  Food blogs are among my favorites.  Many of my favorite recipes are from bloggers who, like me, are busy moms trying to cook nutritious meals for their families while juggling work, babies and managing a household--all on a budget (because, let's face it--everyone is on a budget these days.)

   In addition to looking for ways to save money and eat more healthfully, this endeavor is another way my family can try to live in a more eco-friendly/sustainable way.  We try to buy local and organic whenever we can--not always easy to do on a budget--but it's worth making the effort. (Side note:  It's always frustrating to me that, living in Florida, citrus is hard to find that's locally grown.  Every store in my area carries California citrus.  I asked one of the produce managers why local-grown oranges and the like weren't available--he said he really didn't know but that was a really good question.  He truly did seem puzzled, not patronizing or annoyed.)

     So far we've had lots of luck cooking a variety of yummy, healthy food.  We have been less than lucky saving money.  We're having a hard time using our produce before it goes bad, thus we are wasting food and money.

     Still, I encourage all of you to join me in this challenge.  Eat, drink and be healthy (and maybe save money and the world.)  Bon appetit!


If you are interested in checking out my favorite food blogs, check out my blog roll for that and other great resources.

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